We have nine sewing lines in total and our seamstresses are divided into teams that work with different products. Some of them sew jackets and vests, while others sew accessories, long johns or zipped turtlenecks. Nobody is paid per item and quality is always prioritised over quantity. If a seamstress notices any fault in the process, he or she stops production to correct the fault.
In a traditional textile factory, each machine is manned by a seamstress who sews only one kind of seam or detail all the time, and then sends the garment along to the next person who sews a different seam. This often leads to a very monotonous and stressful working environment.
Here at Woolpower we’ve changed all that. The person doing the sewing moves from machine to machine and acts as their own quality controller, with the support of the quality standards we have established in the factory. Moving between the machines also creates a better working environment for the seamstresses as they get a more natural variation in their work.
So, it is the same seamstress that sews your entire garment, from the first to the final seam. Once the entire garment has been sewn, the seamstress checks and approves it by signing the garment with their own name. That’s why the name tag is both a quality seal, as well as way to help our customers understand that behind every garment is a person. A person with a great deal of knowledge about their craft.
If any kind of defect is noticed, the seamstress simply cuts off their name tag and the garment is sold at a reduced price, as an imperfect product in our factory outlet store. It all helps to prevent throwing away material unnecessarily.

Meet your seamstress
Do you consider fair working conditions and a reasonable wage important? Do you know how the people who sewed your clothes are faring? If you’re wearing a Woolpower sweater, you can be confident that the individuals who crafted your garment receive a living wage and fair working conditions.