I am Woolpowered

Sometimes we meet people who really make a strong impression on us. Have you ever sat down and heard a life story that you just feel you have to share?

We come in contact with many people who use our clothes in one way or another and we hear many moving, funny and inspiring stories. Stories about life choices, adventures and dreams. Stories that we want more people to take part in.

Welcome to I am Woolpowered, stories about people.

The dream of climbing europe’s highest mountain

Jesper Hägg and Hampus Carlson met at Luleå University of Technology in 2012. They had both applied to the institution to get closer to nature. Little did they know what adventures their friendship would take them on.

Life as a cabin manager in the Swedish mountains

Few people manage the art of regularly getting time to themselves. Alexandra is one of the successful few. With great support from her partner and her family, she has had the opportunity to follow her dreams and treat herself to that essential time to herself that we all need.

Life in five square metres

Many people dream about it. The freedom to do exactly what you want and take the day as it comes. But what are we really prepared to give up for such freedom? We met Jørund Eggen who has chosen to live a “Van life”, a lifestyle that more people in Sweden are becoming aware of.

Where time has stood still for a century

With sweeping views of the mountains, hillside meadows and strangely shaped old birch trees, this is where Anita lives with her animals during the summertime. Anita works hard from early morning to late evening, and she does it with pleasure